Upcoming Workshops
Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

Various workshops (in English and French) will be offered from November 2023 to April 2024 in Provence and Camargue.

Including visits to the Camargue to see the Nuptial Parades of the Greater Flamingos. A fascinating spectacle making use of the best winter light. On our Camargue workshop we will also be able to see many other birds like the Grey Heron, Stonechat, Glossy Ibis, the rare Western ( purple ) Swamphen , Buzzards, Bearded tits, Cormorants, Swans etc.

Des stages seront proposés ( francais/anglais) a partir de Novembre 2023 jusqu’au mois d’avril 2024 en Provence et en Camargue. Les stages en Camargue vous ferons découvrir les spectaculaires parades nuptiales des Flamants roses arrosées de belles lumières hivernales.

Autres espèces a photographier sont le Héron cendré , l’Ibis falcinelle , la Talève sultane , le Tarier pâtre , Cormorant , Panure a moustaches , Canard colvert etc.

Carmargue Workshop

A full day in the Camargue starting with a privileged entry into a private park to witness the early arrival of hundreds of flamingos. Flying shots, portraits and of course images of the nuptial parades of the greater flamingo will all be on the agenda. During the day we can visit other parts of the Camargue and finish the day where we started to witness the take off of the flamingos just before sunset.Workshop available from November to end of March.

Fitness level : easy

Half day workshops (morning or afternoon) are also available.

White-Throated Dippers

This workshop which takes place during the period of courtship display will also give you the opportunity to photograph White and Yellow Wagtails, Mallard ducks, Black Redstarts, and more. Making use of the best winter light in the Provence. Workshop available from November to end of April.

Fitness level : easy

Le Cincle plongeur a la période des Parades Nuptiales. Ce stage vous permettra également de photographier la Bergeronnette des ruisseaux , la Bergeronnette grise , le Rougequeue noir , Canards colvert etc. Accompagné de belles lumières hivernales.

Western Jackdaws

Western Jackdaws during their breeding and nesting period is an excellent opportunity to practice silhouette and black/white photography plus try many other techniques. Workshop available from mid-March to end of April only .

Fitness level : moderate - 20 minutes walk up a mountain.

Les Choucas des tours pendant la période de nidification. ( de belles occasions pour les silhouettes et la photo en noir et blanc ) Stage disponible entre la mi-Mars jusqu’à fin Avril.

Griffon Vultures

A full day with the Griffon Vultures in the Drome Provençal. We may also see Lammergeiers and the Egyptian vulture. workshop available from October to end of May .

Fitness level : easy ( 20/30 minutes walk)

Une journée avec les vautours fauves ( vautours moines / et avec un peu de chance le Gypaète Barbu / vautour Percnoptère ) Stage disponible d’Octobre a fin Mai .

A combination of these workshops is possible over a period of 3/4 days or more. Number of participants : 1 to 6 maximum.

Vous pouvez combiner ces stages sur une période de 3/4 jours ou plus. Nombres de participants : 1 a 6 maximum.

The Butterfly Bird

In search of the incredible Wallcreeper.

Workshop in preparation .

A la recherche du Tichodrome échelette ( l’oiseau papillon ).

In preparation : A different approach to the lavender fields ( end of june to mid July )

En preparation: Les Champs de lavande ( fin Juin a mi-Juillet )